Ontario Numerical Analysis Day
(SONAD 2005)
Friday, April 29, 2005
University of Waterloo
SONAD (Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis
Day) is an annual regional meeting that provide opportunities
to present research results and socialize with researchers in numerical
computation and scientific computing.
Graduate students are particularly welcome.
� The �program will consist of:
- Social
- 3 principal
- Dhavide Aruliah, University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- Cornelis Oosterlee, Delft University of Technology
- Hans De Sterck, University of Waterloo
- Graduate
student presentations
- presentations
from graduate students are strongly encouraged
- please send
a title and abstract to
- first 6
submissions are guaranteed a slot
Here is the detailed program
Meeting Location
The meeting will be held in the W C Davis
Centre, campus
map including parking information
presentations in DC
1302 and reception in DC 1301
Directions to University of Waterloo
Registration is free but would be strongly appreciated by the organizers.
For further information, or to register,
or phone
mail at 519-888-4567 ext 4469